Mar 05, 2020

5 Easy Ways to be Physically and Mentally Healthy at Work

Health is Wealth: Making Sure You are Ready for Life Every Single Day

Be Healthy at Work

It’s no mystery that young professionals in Hong Kong work hard. We’re all driven by our passion for turning our idea into reality. As an entrepreneur or a hustler, you’d probably want to maintain a healthy mind and body to help you with the grind. . Here are five easy ways, we believe, to be physically and mentally fit at work.

Eat Your Breakfast and Lunches

You might have skipped breakfast before work. Probably felt nothing seemed right for the first half of the day, right? That is because breakfast plays a vital role in helping us concentrate and being at our best. Not only that, having breakfast every day can prevent diabetes and help maintain our body’s rhythm. So an early meal every day goes a long way.

Besides a hearty breakfast, a decent lunch can instantly lift your mood. One of the blessings of living in Hong Kong is the abundance of choice. So why not explore and see what you fancy? Want something hearty? Pick a noodle bar. Or if you prefer something light, there are plenty of salad bars around. Eat well, and you won’t be hangry at work again.

Take Breaks and Strolls

In a competitive environment like Hong Kong, people are great at entrepreneurship and determined to make things happen. Are you pursuing a dream? Great, but don’t do that at the expense of your wellbeing. When you’re at work, don’t stay in the office all day. Spend some time to walk around and stretch those legs. You can also take a coffee break at the pantry, or if your schedule allows, go downstairs for a stroll. You might even come up with new inspirations.

Be Active During Lunchtime

Entrepreneurs are well versed in quick lunches. But stepping away from our hot desks and getting active more than pays its way. The World Health Organisation recommends 30 minutes of physical activity per day. And just by making better use of your time, you can keep your body in shape and let the endorphin lift your mood at work.

Hitting the gym is a good way to release work stress. But there are also plenty of other activities to choose from, like yoga, running and circuit training. Find a group of friends to get active with, and grab something healthy afterwards.

Connect with Your Colleagues

Spending time to connect with others helps us maintain our wellbeing and feel welcome. Having a great mood at work will boost up productivity and help with your physical and mental health.

There are plenty of people you can approach. Meet new friends over a game of foosball at the pantry, go out for lunch or exercise, or have a friendly chat with people around. Since you’re probably spending most of your day with your colleagues, might as well make the relationship work to your benefit.

Maintain a Work-life Balance (As Much As Possible)

Maintaining a work-life balance helps you in keeping your physical and mental health. Studies revealed spending too much time in front of the screen can harm your wellbeing. So it’s vital to make sure you’re not overwhelmed by work.
Tune out occasionally. Read a book, meet up with friends, or take a stroll at your favourite neighbourhood. If you’re into the outdoors, go for a hike in the country parks. Or if you want inspirations, why not visit one of the many networking events? A change of scenery can help your body and mind face the challenges ahead.

Spending time to connect with others helps us maintain our wellbeing and feel welcome. Having a great mood at work will boost up productivity and help with your physical and mental health.

There are plenty of people you can approach. Meet new friends over a game of foosball at the pantry, go out for lunch or exercise, or have a friendly chat with people around. Since you’re probably spending most of your day with your colleagues, might as well make the relationship work to your benefit.

We spend considerable time and effort trying to do better and make our mark, but as Hilary Clinton quoted “don’t confuse having a career with having a life”. Keep your energy and pay more attention to your life. A successful career will follow.

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