Mar 09, 2020

Helping Businesses Accelerate Change Towards a More Sustainable Future

ReThink: Enterprise Forum for Future Sustainability

ReThink is being designed specifically for professionals who are driven by, or challenged with, sustainability goals for their business or organisation, and the 2020 event is focused on answering one of the most crucial questions for companies in Hong Kong:

How can we help businesses accelerate change towards a more sustainable future?

Through inspiring speakers, action-focused discussions and real-life solutions, ReThink 2020 will provide answers to this question, through a carefully curated two-day conference and workshop programme supported by an innovation showcase with the best in suppliers and service providers.

Date: 2-3 September 2020
Location: K11 Atelier King’s
Road, Hong Kong



UClub Hong Kong is a Proud Community Partner of ReThink

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